Ten Days of Prayer

Day Seven of Prayer: Jan. 13

Laurel Damsteegt, Dale E. Galusha, Kendra Haloviak Valentine, Kathryn Proffitt, and Rathinaraj John

Day Seven of Prayer: Jan. 13

As we enter a new year with Ten Days of Prayer, we asked 50 leading Adventists: “What is your prayer for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2015?” Here is what they said

Read more about the Ten Days of Prayer here.


“Oh Father! Thank You for giving all to our ungrateful world and preoccupied church. Forgive! Help us unitedly hunger and thirst after righteousness. May our highest priority be cherishing You and genuinely loving people around us, serving them despite our hectic agendas. Give us only love for those who hate us, and teach us to incessantly pray for them. Could you make us latter rain-ready? We long to go home! In Jesus’ name we come.”

coordinator of Great Controversy Tours to Europe; director, Christian Heritage Media; works with health ministries in her local church


“I pray that in 2015 the church will be a true sanctuary, a place of refuge and healing for the weary, the hurting, the angry, and the guilty. A place where no one feels out of place. A place where anyone and everyone can expect to find acceptance, support, understanding, and love—from God, but also from God’s people. A place where people are more important than policies, and relationships are more important than being right.”

, president, Pacific Press Publishing Association


“Grant, Holy God, that in response to your wondrous grace in Christ we will be a people of grace and peace and justice; that remaining faithful to Scripture we may have the insight to recognize what you are already doing in the church and in the world and the courage to be inclusive in our embrace of the diverse gifts you have given the church for the accomplishment of its distinctive mission.”

, associate professor of New Testament studies, La Sierra University


“There is real danger the issue of women’s ordination will fracture our church. Each member should study this important issue, earnestly asking for God’s will to be revealed. We should debate and discuss. But, after the worldwide church votes, we must follow the example of the early church, accepting the corporate decision. We must then come together, in Christian love, regardless of our personal views. My prayer for 2015 is for unity in God’s church!”

, U.S. ambassador to Malta (1997-2001); chief executive officer, Alumni Awards Foundation


“We praise God for His providential leading of the church in India. We pray that God will bless this church with peace, progress, and prosperity in 2015. Despite our diversities and differences, we look for peace with each other and peace with God. This is all that we need today in our modern world. We pray that each of us will be compassionate and considerate and committed to the mission of Christ. We also pray that God will bring each of us to be a recipient of His grace that will make us sensitive to the needs of the people around us.”

, president, Southern Asia Division

Are you participating in the Ten Days of Prayer? Share your prayer or story in the comments section below and send your prayer-related photos to
Adventist Review news editor Andrew McChesney at [email protected].

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