As we enter a new year with Ten Days of Prayer, we asked 50 leading Adventists: “What is your prayer for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2015?” Here is what they said.
Read more about the Ten Days of Prayer here and an update on the Ten Days here.
“My prayer for the Seventh-day Adventist Church for 2015 is that our precious church will be empowered, equipped, and enabled to continue to share our distinctive and transformative biblical message in a manner that is positive, relevant, and applicable to our contemporary world. As a college president, I pray particularly for our Adventist young people, that they will experience the joy of knowing Christ as their personal Savior in the context of our Adventist worldview, and in so doing, truly embody the Adventist advantage.”
, president, Pacific Union College
“I have several prayers for 2015 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I pray for our humility to recognize our need to change and grow. I pray for our wisdom to focus on what is truly important for the church’s mission in this generation. I pray for our compassion for the world that God loves deeply. And finally I pray that we will be quiet enough to listen to the still small voice of God.”
, provost, Andrews University
“Unity. That’s at the top of my prayer list. I know it is cliché, but I’ve been pondering the prayer of Jesus in John 17: ‘That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You … that the world may believe that You sent Me.’ I would like to give up my narrow ideas of ‘unity’ and join Jesus in His amazing prayer.”
, president, Walla Walla University
“My prayer is that we will continually seek the Lord God with all our heart and allow Him to transform our lives into His image. May we reflect His character in all our actions. Let us remember how God has led us in the past and have confidence that He is there for us in all trials and hardships, carrying us through to the end. Because of His righteousness and grace, we will be saved.”
, assistant to the president of the Southern Asia Division
“My prayer for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2015 is that we will achieve a deeper understanding of current world realities and what the Lord expects of us in response. From these heightened understandings and in light of end-time prophecies and biblical admonitions, I pray that we will reach out in service to the world to a degree that the world has never seen. I pray that the love of God will be personified through God’s church in the most marvelous ways.”
, vice president, Adventist world church
Are you participating in the Ten Days of Prayer? Share your prayer or story in the comments section below and send your prayer-related photos to Adventist Review news editor Andrew McChesney at [email protected].