Ten Days of Prayer

Day Five of Prayer: Jan. 11

Myrna L. Hanna, Raymond Holmes, Erton Köhler, Jeffrey Kuhlman, and Ken Shaw

Day Five of Prayer: Jan. 11

As we enter a new year with Ten Days of Prayer, we asked 50 leading Adventists: “What is your prayer for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2015?” Here is what they said.

Read more about the Ten Days of Prayer here.


“My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a special way on all the members. I pray that the church will be known for its love, not only for those not of our faith, but for our fellow believers. I also pray that the true mission of the church, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, will not be lost in disputes over things that are not fundamental to salvation.”

, assistant vice president, administrative affairs, Loma Linda University


“Heavenly Father, This new year, 2015, may very well turn out to be one of the most momentous in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We will need a moment-by-moment sense of Your presence, and the unmistakable leading of Your Holy Spirit. Give us the courage and determination to remain faithful to the Reformation principle of sola scriptura, the Bible alone, in the days ahead. ‘Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!’ In His Holy Name I pray.”

, professor from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary who in retirement planted and pastors a church in Michigan


“In 2015, I’ll pray for the Holy Spirit in the life of the church and especially in our leadership. My special prayer is that the Holy Spirit increases the unity of the church, the focus on mission, the purity of our actions, and the passion in our hearts to do God’s work. This is a very important step to finish the work and to see Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven.”

, president, South American Division


“My prayer for the SDA church in 2015 is for each member to focus first on faith, family, and friends; to realize each day is a gift of life; to be socially tolerant of others; and to believe the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.

“My prayer for the SDA church in 2015 is for the leadership to ‘fan the flames’ of the good news of salvation and the awesomeness of the God of all, and to ‘drench the fire’ of traditions and legalism that are not Christ centered.”

, senior vice president, associate chief medical officer, Florida Hospital; U.S. Navy physician for 30 years; physician to President Barack Obama from January 2009 to July 2013


“Eternal Father, in 2015, I pray that You will
Enlist us to be faithful Christians,
Employ us to be Your workers,
Empty us of self,
Embed in us a clean heart,
Encircle us with Your Spirit,
Engage us to walk closely with You,
Equip us to lovingly serve our neighbors,
Enable us to be joyful so others can see Jesus in us,
Empower us to freely share Your gospel,
Endow us Your blessings, I pray.”

, president, Southwestern Adventist University

Are you participating in the Ten Days of Prayer? Share your prayer or story in the comments section below and send your prayer-related photos to Adventist Review news editor Andrew McChesney at [email protected].

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