As we enter a new year with Ten Days of Prayer, we asked 50 leading Adventists: “What is your prayer for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2015?” Here is what they said.
Read more about the Ten Days of Prayer here.
“Dear Lord, I thank You for the awesome privilege and responsibility of belonging to Your remnant church. Father, help Your church understand that it is not merely one among many, but rather Your chosen people whom you have raised up for a time such as this. Help us fulfill our unique mission and to uphold our special message. By a miracle of divine grace, bring revival, reformation, and unity to Your church.”
, senior pastor of Fresno Central Church, California; president of Secrets Unsealed
“Dear Lord, I praise Your name. I ask that You will not cease from working in, through, and for Your people to prepare us for the return of our Lord, Jesus. Help us to keep our eyes on You, to be open to the needs of others, but to be blind to the allures of the world. Protect our church from the inroads of secular religion that would rob us of the truth we hold dear. Bless our mission to take to the world a message of hope in a Creator God who is coming for us. And let us never forget the awesome gift that Jesus bought at infinite price. Praise to Your name forever!”
, Adventist geologist; professor of geology and biology, Southwestern Adventist University
“May our mission be driven by an ever-expanding appreciation of agape love. May the good news in and through Jesus transform and recreate us. May we move forward with arms wide open and celebrate the supremacy of Jesus through the Adventist Church. May the love of the Trinity permeate like a sweet perfume the lives of all who once knew Jesus, all who now know Jesus and, all who are yet to respond to His call.”
, senior pastor, Boulder Seventh-day Adventist Church
“This year, my heartfelt prayer for my beloved church is that we will truly fulfill the parting plea of our Savior: ‘That they may be one in Us.’ As we unite at the cross, with the indwelling, all encompassing love of Christ consuming our lives, humility and Spirit-filled unity will naturally flow, our path will be clear, passion for Christ deepened, commitment to His Word unflinching, and thirst for souls unfailing.”
, assistant director, Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism
“Dear Heavenly Father, Baptize us anew with the Holy Spirit! Please help our church to stay united in spirit, in truth, in purpose and mission. Dear God, let the prayer of Jesus in John 17 be answered this year: That every member of our church will be a powerful force for good and that we will remain united in You to finish the preaching of the gospel. Father, may all of those who have and will accept You be with You eternally upon your second coming. May not one of us be lost but remain faithful until the end. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
, president, Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Are you participating in the Ten Days of Prayer? Share your prayer or story in the comments section below and send your prayer-related photos to Adventist Review news editor Andrew McChesney at [email protected].