Adventist Leaders Vote Replacements for Three Vacant Positions
They include an associate director of education, a division treasurer, and an associate editor for Adventist Review.
Digging Deep and Finding Treasures
This book fills a significant void and offers readers a good entry point to better understand the profound connections of the texts of the Bible to their surrounding cultures.
Paying Our Blessings Forward
Adventist Review team members share precious traditions and ways to pass the blessings along to others
Scripture Lies at the Heart of Adventism
The appearance of the first volume of the new Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary (SDAIBC) series rep-resents an important moment in Adventist biblical scholarship.
The Big Bang, Standard Cosmological Model, and the Bible
Do modern theories provide adequate answers to the questions?
‘What Is Man that You Are Mindful of Him?’
Images of deep space from the James Webb Space Telescope bring the wonders of God’s universe much closer than before.