
The Yeast of Herod

Navigating politically charged times

Delbert W. Baker
The Yeast of Herod

As the journalist H. L. Mencken noted: “The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself.” In Mark 8:15 Jesus encourages believers to do just that—think. He warned, “Be careful. Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod” (NIV). Today, in our politically charged environment, this warning is absolutely relevant.

Jesus’ metaphor of yeast highlights the potential corrupting nature of these influences. Herod Antipas, known for his moral compromises and political maneuvers, exemplifies the dangers of allowing political pressures to override ethical and spiritual values. His unlawful marriage to Herodias and the execution of John the Baptist are stark reminders of how political expediency can lead to moral decay, hypocrisy, and untold pain.

Much like yeast, which spreads and transforms its environment through fermentation, political influence can positively or negatively permeate every aspect of society.

Much like yeast, which transforms its environment through fermentation, political influence can positively or negatively permeate every aspect of society.

Here are four biblical L.I.F.E. principles to help us avoid the yeast of Herod:

L—Live With Integrity and Moral Standards. Steadfastly refuse to compromise moral standards for political gain or convenience. Be a witness for truth and justice, standing against moral corruption and injustice even when inconvenient. Work toward peacemaking and reconciliation, promoting respectful dialogue and understanding among diverse groups.

I—Intentionally Think Critically and Use Discernment. Christians should critically evaluate political rhetoric and actions, discerning whether they align with biblical principles of justice, mercy, and integrity (Micah 6:8). Avoid blindly following political leaders or parties. Ask yourself, “How does this position or person approximate itself to the principles of the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and basic Christian values?”

F—Foster Spiritual Vigilance and Dependence on God. These are unquestionably tough times and uncharted waters. Regularly pray for wisdom and discernment in navigating political complexities. Consciously remember that political systems and leaders are temporal, but God’s kingdom is eternal. Be spiritually vigilant.

E—Evaluate and Avoid Political Manipulation and Opportunism. Herod’s willingness to execute John the Baptist and his mocking treatment of Jesus during His trial demonstrate how political pressures and manipulation can lead to unjust and immoral actions. They serve as a warning about the dangers of succumbing to negative political influences and compromises. Always stand for ethical and biblical values.

The “yeast of Herod” serves as a timeless warning for Adventist believers. By applying this L.I.F.E. framework and educating ourselves on the issues, we can navigate the complexities of political life while remaining true to our convictions. Let us rely on God’s wisdom and guidance to be an influence for good.


Delbert W. Baker

Delbert W. Baker, Ph.D., is director of research and development for the Regional Conference Retirement Plan/Office of Regional Conference Ministries in Huntsville, Alabama.
