During this season, as we remember the birth of Jesus, let’s pause to recall the historical but miraculous facts that provide a sure foundation for our faith. Let this be a time to celebrate the past events leading up to the birth of Christ. Then go further and let this grateful realization flow into a present celebration of God’s current miracles that He daily performs, as He brings life, hope, and salvation in the most unexpected ways.
The fulfillment of the prophecies in the life of Jesus is, in fact, astonishing. The angel Gabriel visited Mary, a young Jewish woman, and told her that she would give birth to the Son of God. This announcement was met with both awe and confusion—“How could this be?” Yet Gabriel reassured her with the memorable words: “For with God nothing will be impossible” (Luke 1:37).
Prophesied miracles
Centuries before Jesus was born, prophets spoke of a coming Messiah, a Savior who would redeem His people. These prophecies were precise and detailed, yet they seemed almost impossible to fulfill. Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would come from the lineage of David (Isa. 9:7), be born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14), and would enter the world in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).
Jesus’ life on earth was a testament to the fulfillment of God’s promises. He healed the sick, made the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk. He proclaimed good news to the poor, comfort to the brokenhearted, and freedom to the captives (Isa. 35:5, 6; Isa. 61:1; Luke 4:16-19).
The prophets also foretold Jesus’ death with amazing detail. Though innocent (Isa. 53:9), He was betrayed by a close friend for 30 pieces of silver (Ps. 41:9; Zech. 11:12), despised and rejected (Isa. 53:3), beaten, and pierced (Isa. 56:6; Ps. 22:16).
The cross, an instrument of shame and death, became the ultimate symbol of God’s power to turn the impossible into the possible (Ps. 22:16; Dan. 9:26). Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, as foretold in the scriptures (Ps. 16:10, 11), validated His divine identity and established a new covenant of grace and eternal life for all who believe (Jer. 31:31-34; Eph. 1:19, 20; Rom. 6:14).
Present-day miracles
As we reflect on the incredible details of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we are reminded that the sovereign God, who providentially facilitated the miraculous in the past, is still performing miracles of grace in the present (Rom. 1:1-5). Just as He brought forth a Savior from a virgin in Bethlehem, Jesus our Savior brings hope, healing, and redemption today, no matter how challenging the circumstances.
Whether it’s a diagnosis, broken relationship, financial struggles, or deep grief, remember nothing is impossible with God. Be reminded and encouraged that the same God who fulfilled every prophecy about the Messiah is active today (Rom. 8:31-39). He is not surprised or limited by your circumstances. His plans and purposes always prevail.
May this season fill your heart with renewed hope and confidence in our miraculous God.