
God is the Ultimate Artist

ARt is a new section featuring original Adventist art.

Jonathan Walter

God is the Ultimate Artist

Beauty, creativity, truth, and uniqueness are His fingerprints and signatures in all that He creates, says, and does. 
He has given us, as His image bearers, creative abilities to express, portray, capture, and communicate our experiences, thoughts, feelings, and worship. 

ARt, a new, regular section of the Adventist Review, will continue the Adventist Review’s appreciation of the arts in a more intentional way by featuring various original art created, written, and/or performed by Adventist artists.

This month’s theme is Christmas and winter.


Like Mary Will I Sing

By Frank M. Hasel

Like Mary will I sing
of beauty and the King,
who as a helpless child
came in this world to die—
That we can live!

Like Mary will I ask
why God has chosen me,
to open up my life
for Him to grow in me—
That we can live!

Like Mary will I trust
God’s goodness and His love,
Will sing a song of praise:
He’ll lead me in His ways—
That we can live!

Like Mary will I have 
the strength to carry on.
The power of His grace
brings peace that leaves a trace—
That we can live! 

Frank Hasel is an author and associate director of the Biblical Research Institute at the General Conference. He enjoys poetry and little acts of kindness.

Erwin Nanasi, minister of music of the Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church, put this poem to music. Download the SATB sheet music here.

Digital Water Color Painting

By Mugi Kinoshita


“Even in the freezing winter, your guardian angel watches over you on your journey.”

Mugi Kinoshita is an illustrator with production experience, specializing in digital watercolor illustrations for story-driven arts. See more at and on Instagram: @mugikinoshita.


Find below a short curated YouTube playlist of original Christmas music written and composed by Seventh-day Adventists, including Eric & Monique, Dr. Ariel Quintana, Lindsey Mills, Triangelos, Give Glory 2 Him, Claris Lombart, and Hugh Martin.

To navigate between songs, use the next and previous buttons, left and right of the play button.

Jonathan Walter

The ARt section is curated by Jonathan Walter, assistant editor of the Adventist Review. While we celebrate creativity, the inclusion of any featured works does not imply endorsement of all works by the artists.
For a chance to have your original Adventist art featured, please contact us at [email protected]

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