A Boring Church Service, Affording Adventist Education, and Marrying Outside One’s Faith
General Conference president answers questions from young members across the WAD.
In Nigeria, Massive Worship Service Kicks Off a Week of Celebration
The Seventh-day Adventist Church turned 100 in the Eastern Nigeria region.
Adventist Mission Is Alive
Members young and old across the globe are committed to sharing hope in Jesus.
‘We Are Here Today because God Created the Universe’
Geoscience Research Institute report highlights the work of Bible-believing scientists.
Hope Channel Celebrates 20 Years of Increasing Mission Reach
Adventist TV network is ready to embrace the digital revolution, president-elect says.
There’s Still Much to Do to Reach All the World, Chief Statistician Says
David Trim shares member data trends and current implications for Adventist mission.
In Face of Unprecedented Challenges, GC Secretary Calls for Refocus on Mission
Erton Köhler highlights the power of integration to move audacious initiatives forward.
Mission 150 Commemoration Can Reignite a Passion for Mission, Leaders Say
Adventist leaders share plans for a year-long focus on Adventist mission.
‘Now Is the Time for Greater Mission Effort,” GC President Says
Ted N. C. Wilson calls leaders and members to refocus on the Adventist raison d’être.
‘It’s Time to Move from A, B, and C to D,’ General Conference Secretary Says
Erton Köhler calls the church to go beyond attendance, buildings, and cash to disciple-making.