A Distinction With a Difference
“It takes only as long to forget a thing as it did to learn it.”
A Sign of the Times
I have watched the politics of attack invade the landscape of this movement.
Second Advent Gentleness
Pray for a heart made supple by mercy, and a tongue baptized with peace
Rediscovering Reform
Believers were not long for this world, so why make ungodly peace with it?
Where We Pray
I prayed to know my real size—a speck of animated dust in uncounted galaxies ruled by the God who still loves me.
The Stories We Tell
Our children and our grandchildren deserve a fuller story than we learned.
Sine Qua Non
The gospel’s call to teach and practice the virtue of humility is the most. . .
“We All Moved to Front Line”
A major newspaper recently quoted an emergency room physician as saying, “We never trained to see this much death.” What do you do when the scale of mortality is this big?
“Grab Them by the Ears”
“Four down, three over,” I began, trusting that the mystery of these words would buy me several more minutes of existence.