How to Avoid End-Time Deceptions Resulting from the Latest Technologies
GAiN Africa presentation prompts attendees to consider pitfalls, opportunities for church mission.
Africa Continent-wide Event Connects, Motivates Communicators for Mission
Adventists serving in church media meet in South Africa for the 2023 GAiN Conference.
Visit to Adventist University in Nigeria Highlights Key Role of Education
World and regional church leaders tour Babcock University, inaugurate building.
Mass Worship, Baptism Crowns Centennial Celebration in Eastern Nigeria
The Seventh-day Adventist message reached the area in 1923 and is now spreading fast.
Adventist Education Is Thriving in Eastern Nigeria, Results Show
Two visits from church leaders on November 2 highlight achievements and potential.
Nigerian Adventists Display Firm Commitment to Health Care and Education
GC president Ted N. C. Wilson and other leaders visits facilities in the eastern region.
Hundreds Rejoice at Birthplace of Seventh-day Adventism in Eastern Nigeria
November 1 celebration included the visit of General Conference and regional leaders.
GC President and Regional Church Leaders Visit Adventist Governor in Nigeria
Alex Chioma Otti welcomes Ted N. C. Wilson and leaders from the West-Central Africa Division.
Adventist University of Africa Moves to Embrace the Whole Continent
Kenya-based school has been authorized to offer a graduate degree in French.
West-Central Africa Division Celebrates 20 Years of Progress, Steady Growth
Among major challenges, regional church leaders thank God for His abundant blessings.