Inter-American Division Votes First Woman as Division Treasurer
Ivelisse Herrera, experienced in the field of finances, will replace Filiberto Verduzco.
Thousands Join the Adventist Church during Special Sabbath
Massive event in the Inter-American Division closes a year of centennial celebrations.
University Students Challenged to Be Agents of Change
Public Campus Ministries special weekend energizes young people across Inter-America.
Adventist Church Honors Inter-American Division Pastors
Thousands of ministers are commended for their service throughout the territory.
Adventist Church in Venezuela Holds Territory-wide Film Festival
Initiative promotes use of films to advance the gospel.
Church Leaders Honor Long-Serving Educators in Inter-America
Annual Teachers’ Day celebration acknowledges their contribution to mission.
In Haiti, Dispensary Grows into a Health-care Center
Move is part of an initiative that seeks to build healthier communities, leaders said.
IAD Family Ministries Leaders Awarded the Spalding Medallion
Pedro and Cecilia Iglesias commended for their decades-long work for Adventist families.
Twelve General Conference Sessions and Counting
Former Inter-American Division president George Brown reflects on being a church leader.
Inter-American Division Is 100 Years Old
At celebration, leaders and members reflect on God’s providence, recommit to mission.