Adventist Health-Care Leaders Meet in Tokyo
Annual gathering highlighted commitment to keep focused on mission and collaboration.
Northern Asia Lay Organization Meets after Five Years
In-person event connected members who support mission projects across the region.
Family Retreat Connects Taiwan Adventist Church Workers
The event sought to achieve relaxation, promote friendships, and motivate to service.
Mongolia Leaders Tour Rural Churches
The leaders met with local leaders and members on a tour they called “very engaging.”
Children Learn How to Serve from the Heart in Mongolia
Initiative helps Adventist churches reconnect with the community after the pandemic.
In Korea, Adventist University Graduate Commits to Give Back
After people helped her to finish her degrees, she decided to save to support others.
Mongolian Adventists Connect for First-Ever Online Camp Meeting
Activities included seminars for all ages, a talk show, a movie, kids’ time, and exercise.
Many Reasons to Praise the Lord at Year-End Meetings
Northern Asia-Pacific Adventist leaders say there is a lot to be thankful for in 2021.
Public Campus Ministry Makes a Difference in the ‘Silicon Valley of Taiwan’
Young Korean missionaries are reaching out to secular campuses with visible results.
Creation Displays Help Students Get to Know Their Creator
In the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, every Adventist school now has a space to highlight creation.