In the US, Hope Now Series Inspires Adventist Church in Bakersfield
The evangelistic series resulted in multiple baptisms and Bible studies.
Research and Adventist Mission Are Not Mutually Exclusive, Expert Says
Here’s how the Adventist Human-Subject Research Association is supporting the church.
‘Doing Justly’ Event Highlights How Adventists Are Working to Create Peace
Experts and advocates met at Washington Adventist University on initiatives, achievements, and challenges.
Adventists and Hindus
This guide on Hinduism is the third in a series dealing with Seventh-day Adventism’s relationship with those of other world religions.
Will the Church Survive?
Serious questions are being raised about whether the Seventh-day Adventist Church will fulfill its mission.
‘We Need To Support Parents Whose Children Have Left the Church’
Anthony Kent calls on pastors and their spouses to pray, encourage, and show love.
Local Church Celebrates as Jan Paulsen Baptizes Three Grandchildren
Attendees were moved after witnessing the boys’ affection for the former GC president.
Francis Dolphijn
The story of the first indigenous missionary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ghana.
Back to the Altar
A call to unreserved consecration to and communion with God through personal, family, and congregational worship as well as intentional limiting of distractions