In Korea, 75 Percent of a Local Church Completes Bible Reading Plan
Challenge becomes a driving spiritual force at Geumcheon Haneulsaem congregation.
In Mongolia, Adventist Women Pastors Hold First-Ever Retreat
Event discusses the call to pastoral ministry, teaches skills to tackle challenges.
Korean Publishing House Commits to Publishing Resources in Urdu
Adventist books in that language are being distributed in Pakistan and other regions.
Baptismal Ceremony Anticipates Record Accessions Year in Pakistan
Centennial celebrations on Adventist school campus launch renewed focus on mission.
Enlarging God’s Territory in Nepal
At meetings near Kathmandu, regional leaders are encouraged to a renewed commitment to mission.
Northern Asia-Pacific Division Embraces Its New Himalayan Section Territory
Adventist leaders in Nepal hold their first year-end meeting under the new arrangement.
Sri Lanka Mission Holds First Year-end Meeting after Switching Divisions
Church region is now part of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division.
Pakistan Church Region Holds First Year-end Meeting after Transfer
Within the Adventist organization, it is now part of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division.
Nepal Church Reaches the Community through Service to Families, Orphans
A three-day initiative and a special emphasis Sabbath are showing the way, leaders said.
New Appointments in Mongolia and 1000 Missionaries Training Center
Northern Asia-Pacific delegates vote positions at the regional Year-End Meetings.