Begin With Love
How can Seventh-day Adventists approach the subject of sexuality in a compassionate, biblical, and practical way?
Paseggi Wins Excellence in Communication Award at GAiN Europe
Adventist Review senior news correspondent is honored for faithful reporting to the world church.
Glacier View Ranch Will Undergo Renovations as It Turns 75
The camp was the venue for historic meetings of the Sanctuary Review Committee in 1980.
Our Mission: Urgent!
For Christians, involvement in God’s mission and experiencing personal transformation while being in, but not of this world, is not optional.
General Conference Files Lawsuit in an Effort to Protect Religious Hiring
Adventist Church defends its stand as a way of preserving its mission and identity.
‘Each of Us Represents Landmarks of Mission Worldwide’
At Andrews University, GC president calls for remembering the past in order to move forward.
Rome in Prophecy
Like it not, we can’t proclaim the three angels’ messages without warning about Rome.
Andrews University Faculty Publish Book on Alcohol Risks
Volume from Pacific Press challenges misconceptions surrounding the dangers of alcohol.