
Southern Asia-Pacific Youth Approach End of 100 Days in Scripture Initiative

Bible-reading project has been connecting young members in multiple languages, leaders said.

Ron Genebago, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review
Southern Asia-Pacific Youth Approach End of 100 Days in Scripture Initiative
The Bible-reading initiative, which is set to conclude on December 3, connected young people across the Southern Asia-Pacific Division and was offered in several languages spoken across the region. [Photo: screenshot by Southern Asia-Pacific Division]

The Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) Adventist Youth Ministries (AYM) initiative titled 100 Days in Scriptures, which launched on August 26, is set to conclude on December 3, during the SSD’s Bible Readers’ Convention, regional church leaders said. This initiative is being conducted in English, Bahasa, Vietnamese, Thai, Burmese, and other languages spoken across the region.

This initiative serves as a dedicated response to enhance the spiritual growth component within the framework of the I Will Go initiative, leaders said. The primary key performance indicator is centered around observing a notable increase in the engagement of young individuals reading the Bible in its entirety, from Genesis to Revelation. The initiative encompasses tangible and measurable indicators, including the formation of a Bible readers’ community and daily video uploads on Facebook pages.

Junior youth (Adventurers, Pathfinders, and Master Guides club members), senior youth (ambassadors, public campus ministry students, AMICUS students, young adults, young professionals, and youth mentors), administrators, and directors read the Scriptures daily at 5 a.m. A group prayer precedes each Bible reading to prepare the minds of the readers and the hearers. 

Some of the young people have shared the blessings they’ve received from joining this initiative.

“It draws me closer to God. Making me realize how lovingly He is guiding us every step of the way,” Sarah L. Homiggop, from North Philippines, said. “It amazes me how He answered a sincere prayer like how He answered the servant of Abraham’s prayer.” 

Quinnie Chua, from South Philippines, added that “the blessing of the ongoing 100 days of Scriptures to me is that I am able to immerse myself in God’s word early in the morning to reconnect with Him daily. To read every beautiful chapter that reminds us of who He is and what He has done in our lives. It is where we know Him more deeply and how we can be a blessing to other people as well,” she said. 

“I am blessed to refresh my memory about the Bible,” Karen P. Monje, from Central Philippines added. “I am amazed at how God is ever patient with His stubborn children. God is to be praised and worshipped now and forever!” 

For Billy Selintung, from the Singapore Adventist Conference, reading the Bible again reminded him of the promises given. It also tells of the curse and danger of violating God’s law, he added. “Most of all, the reading humbles me and shows how weak I am. I need to pray more. I need to surrender more and follow God’s teachings. Thank you for the Bible reading session given to me and my ministry,” Selintung said.

Heldha Pandeirot, from the East Indonesia Union Conference (EIUC), said that joining the 100 Days in Scriptures was “so amazing.” Pandeirot explained, “I am so blessed, not only for me but for my junior high school students as well. Moreover, even non-Adventist students were influenced by this great event, and they are willing to experience it as Scripture readers as well. I have shared this blessing with my students since the Adventist Youth News Network of EIUC invited me to take part as one of the readers.”

Lian Sian Huai, from the Myanmar Union Mission (MYUM) wrote that the program was a great blessing for him. “Reading the Scriptures with other young people opened my eyes to the truths that I had never seen before. I feel so happy also seeing many young people, some I know and some I don’t know, reading the Word of God in one mind every day and sharing insights,” Huai said.

The Bible-reading project is part of the AYM 2020 Vision: “Healthy Young People who are enjoying a saving relationship with CHRIST, loving the Scriptures as their standard of living to reflect a Christ-like CHARACTER, passionately serving the CHURCH and COMMUNITIES (CAMPUSES) using their God-given spiritual gifts, and vigorously fulfilling the gospel COMMISSION in the power of the Holy Spirit.”

The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site.

Ron Genebago, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review

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