
Singapore Adventists Witness Through Support to Argentinian Family in Crisis

Argentina’s ambassador praises the Adventist Church for its generosity, compassion.

Edward Rodriguez and Faith Toh, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review
Singapore Adventists Witness Through Support to Argentinian Family in Crisis
The Argentinian community in Singapore attended the local Seventh-day Adventist church after the congregation assisted a family from Argentina in distress. [Photo: Southern Asia-Pacific Division News]

The Adventist community in Singapore has won many hearts through their generous support and compassion for an Argentinian family going through a difficult medical journey. The unprecedented show of solidarity has been recognized by Argentina’s ambassador to Singapore, who praised the Adventist Church for its unwavering dedication to serving others.

The plot centers around the Perez family, who traveled to Singapore to seek medical care for their child, Emily. Faced with an emotionally and financially exhausting circumstance, they got an unexpected lifeline from the Adventist community, who exemplified Jesus’ love in action.

“I am grateful to be a part of a worldwide church family,” Mariano Perez, Emily’s father, said. “It’s reassuring to know that God’s hand is extended through people He moved to be a beacon of help to those in need, wherever you are.”

Members of the Adventist Church in Singapore were moved by the Perez family’s predicament and banded together to help them. The Adventist community joined forces with the Argentinian community, recognizing their ongoing efforts to assist the Perez family. Together, they provided free accommodation, topped up travel cards, organized transportation to and from treatments, and offered emotional and spiritual support. Roger O’Conner, a pastor recently appointed as a staff member of the Singapore Conference of the Adventist Church and native Spanish speaker, played a pivotal role in bridging the language gap and providing valuable translation services. These efforts were a collaborative endeavor, showcasing God’s providence in bringing communities together.

Local church leaders greeted Mauricio Nine, Argentina’s ambassador to Singapore, and his wife after they attended an Adventist church service. [Photo: Southern Asia-Pacific Division News]

Johnny Kan, president of the Singapore Conference, discussed how God moves in His own time and how we might reflect God’s character through simple acts of kindness. “We believe that God calls us to show His love through practical acts of kindness,” Kan said. “As a faith community, we strive to be a reflection of Christ’s compassion by lending a helping hand to those in need,” he added.

The powerful impact of the Adventist Church’s outreach was not overlooked. Argentina’s ambassador Mauricio Nine was extremely moved by the assistance given to his countrymen and extended his heartfelt gratitude to the Adventist Church for their extraordinary dedication and generosity. He emphasized the need for unity and compassion in a statement, underlining the important role religious communities can play in building understanding and empathy across cultures.

“After witnessing such generosity and solidarity from the Adventist community, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to your church,” Nine said. “I’ve only been here in Singapore for 18 months, but I can say that the Adventist church in this community here in Singapore is one of the clearest manifestations of the high human value they give to people,” he added.

Nine accepted an offer to attend a Sabbath morning worship service at the Seventh-day Adventist Community Church to experience firsthand the special link between the Adventist community and the Perez family. The ambassador was enthusiastically welcomed by the congregation and enjoyed the vibrant and open atmosphere that characterizes Adventist service.

The ambassador’s visit to the Adventist church brought around 30 Argentinians, including children, who joined in a church service together. For many, this was their first experience attending a church. This inspiring moment showcases God’s role in creating connections and fostering a sense of community.

During the service, local church leaders offered prayers for the Perez family’s well-being, along with messages of hope and encouragement.

“The Adventist Church’s commitment to selfless service is truly inspiring,” Nine said after his visit. “It’s inspiring to see a faith group live out its ideals by showing love and compassion to those in need. The Adventist Church has provided peace and strength to the Perez family, demonstrating the power of compassion and solidarity.”

The Adventist community remains committed to giving continued help to the Perez family in Singapore, joining them with compassion and prayers every step of the way. They continue to offer ongoing lodging, financial assistance, and spiritual support to the best of their ability, leaders said. “Furthermore, should the Perez family require additional financial aid, the community remains open to exploring supplementary fundraising initiatives,” they said.

The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site.

Edward Rodriguez and Faith Toh, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review

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