
Retired La Voz de la Esperanza Speaker Milton Peverini Passes to His Rest

Radio evangelist ministered to Spanish-speaking audiences around the world for 58 years.

Retired La Voz de la Esperanza Speaker Milton Peverini Passes to His Rest

Milton Peverini García, former speaker/director for La Voz de la Esperanza, passed to his rest in Loma Linda, California, United States, in the early morning of June 27, 2021, after a long illness. He was 88. 

In January 1971, Peverini García joined the ministry of La Voz de la Esperanza as associate speaker/director, becoming the speaker/director in 1974, after Braulio Pérez Marcio retired. Devoted to the cause of Jesus Christ since his youth, his theology studies, his training as a lawyer, and his experience as an educator and youth counselor gave him a firm foundation as speaker/director. Throughout his ministry, Peverini García made a significant contribution to the spiritual life of thousands, not only as speaker/director on the La Voz de la Esperanza ministry, which he led for 27 years, but also as a speaker in international evangelism series and as the author of numerous books and articles.

“He possessed that rare blend of genius and humility, which, happily for me, made him the perfect mentor, and, for the myriads that followed him on radio and television, it translated into intensely interesting, yet easy-to-follow expositions of our beloved Adventist faith,” Frank González said. The latter joined La Voz de la Esperanza in 1996 and became the speaker/director when Peverini García retired in January 1998.


The current La Voz de la Esperanza speaker/director, Omar Grieve, and associate speaker/director Nessy Pittau Grieve, added, “Thousands of precious souls were moved by the messages imparted by Dr. Milton Peverini. He was a gifted speaker and evangelist who will have many stars in his crown. His words of faith remain engraved in our memory: ‘We will find ourselves in a completely new world that none of us can imagine … we want Jesus to come soon and then the end will come, the end of pain, the end of death; then the family of God will be reunited, and they will live with the Lord forever and ever.’”

“His iconic voice was heard around the world and inspired millions to draw closer to Jesus. An irreplaceable giant of our faith now awaits our Lord’s soon return,” Minner Labrador, Upper Columbia Conference president and director-elect of Multilingual Ministries for the North American Division, said in a press release.

Early Years

Milton Peverini García and his identical twin brother, Tulio, were born to a young pastor named Hector Peverini and his wife, Sotera, on November 13, 1932, in Paysandú, Uruguay. From a young age, they were taught to serve the Lord. When the family returned to Argentina, they began their education in local church schools, then continued their studies at Colegio Adventista del Plata, in Entre Ríos, Argentina.

After receiving his theology degree, Peverini García decided to follow the advice of church leaders to study law to better serve the church and its work. During those years, he married Eunice Meier, the daughter of missionaries who had served several years in Brazil. Eunice was united with Milton in the desire to hasten the coming of Christ.

While studying law, Peverini García taught at the local academy and was then called to be director of youth and education for the Buenos Aires Conference. He received his law degree from the University of Buenos Aires in 1966 and was ordained as a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in 1967. 

International Ministry

The couple and their children then moved to California, where he first served as pastor in two local area churches. In 1971, he was invited to join the Spanish language radio ministry La Voz de la Esperanzaas associate director. In 1974, when Braulio Pérez Marcio retired, Peverini García became the speaker/director of La Voz, a responsibility he held until 1997. 

Peverini García traveled extensively throughout the United States and most of the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America, as well as Canada, Australia, and several countries in Europe. He led multiple evangelistic crusades, preached in many Adventist churches, and continually encouraged church members to share their love of Christ with others through the La Voz de la Esperanza program and its Bible study courses. He translated many hymns into Spanish, working closely with the quartet “Los Heraldos del Rey,” authored multiple pamphlets and Bible courses, wrote the book Del Abismo a la Gloria, and authored a biography on the life of Braulio Pérez Marcio. 

From 1994 to 2004 he served as associate speaker for Escrito Está(It Is Written for the Spanish-speaking world) and speaker emeritus for La Vozfrom 1998 to 2007. From 2009 to 2016, Peverini García coordinated the production of quarterly audio programs for blind and visually impaired Spanish-speaking audiences, a ministry of Christian Record Services.

In his personal life, Peverini García was known as a kind and dignified person, keenly interested in how his friends and family were doing. He always enjoyed a chance to get to know new people.

As the years went by and his health started to fail, his work for the church became limited to teaching the Sabbath School lesson in his local church. “Pastor Peverini” has now passed to his rest, awaiting the blessed coming of the Lord Jesus. 

Along with his wife, Eunice, he is survived by three adult children: Ricardo, Graciela, and Susana; six grandchildren; and one great-grandson. His family and friends honor his memory and take comfort in the Lord’s promises.

A memorial service is planned for July 10, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. PDT; the service will be available for watching online through the Loma Linda University Church. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to support La Voz de la Esperanza (click here for English).

The Peverini family contributed to this report. 

The original version of this story was posted on the North American Division news site.

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