
North American Division Executive Committee Votes Pentecost 2025 Initiative

Approved plan includes funding assistance for local church proclamation.

North American Division Office of Communication, and Adventist Review

North American Division Executive Committee Votes Pentecost 2025 Initiative
During the May 29 North American Division Executive Committee meeting, president G. Alexander Bryant reminds those in attendance about the July 1 registration opening for Pentecost 2025, the new evangelism initiative voted by the committee. [Photo: North American Division News]

In the Bible, Pentecost dramatically impacted the early church. In fact, many Christians regard Pentecost as the birthdate of the Christian church (see Acts 2). On that day, the church multiplied in number from 120 to 3,000 believers. Pentecost marks the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s promise to send the Holy Spirit to empower and guide His disciples.

On May 29, the Executive Committee of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church voted to approve Pentecost 2025, an initiative to be launched for church leaders and members alike to seek the Holy Spirit’s power and mobilize for evangelism with the goal of holding at least 3,000 proclamation initiatives division wide in 2025. Starting in July, Adventists with approval from their church board can sign up to be part of Pentecost 2025, with the option to apply for startup funds.

“All of us can play a pivotal role in sharing the love of Jesus and the distinctive truths entrusted to us,” NAD president G. Alexander Bryant said. “Moving forward with Pentecost 2025 helps us all embrace the mission and proclaim the gospel. This is an opportunity for each member to take the words of Matthew 24:14 to heart.”

The plan is straightforward. Using the rest of 2024 as planning and preparation time, a pastor or lay person is encouraged to take their proposal for a proclamation initiative (i.e. evangelistic meetings) to their local church board for an action of support. Upon voted church board approval, the person registers for Pentecost 2025 by filling out the NAD form. There is an option to request, one time, up to US$3,000 in financial assistance for their local event. Once the local conference designee provides approval, the application goes to the union office and then the NAD; and a resource welcome kit is sent to the church. Upon completion of the event, a report will be submitted to the division.

“Pentecost 2025 is for all Seventh-day Adventist churches across the North American Division,” Calvin Watkins, NAD vice president overseeing evangelism, said. “Every member, pastor, teacher, young adult, student, and children is encouraged to participate. We are urging total member involvement.

“And we recognize,” Watkins added, “that the majority of our churches are small and may need ‘seed money’ and resources that can help them chart the way forward. We hope to provide both to as many as possible. We are together in mission!”

To facilitate Pentecost 2025, not only will the NAD leadership lead by example through proclamation events and dedicated prayer time, but also resources and training will be made available through the North American Division website. “We are committed to equipping our members with the tools and knowledge necessary for effective evangelism. Whether it’s through innovative outreach strategies, digital platforms, or traditional methods, we must find ways to reach hearts longing for the hope and wholeness found in Jesus,” Jose Cortes Jr., NAD Ministerial Association associate director for evangelism, said.

Plugging into Pentecost by joining the NAD’s list of proclamation initiatives means getting access to valuable tips and tools for evangelism — including regional training events and webinars — in a variety of contexts.

“Whether you are a church holding a traditional event, a family conducting a meeting with friends, a school leader inviting the community to an event, or a social media content provider hosting a Bible study, there will be resources and training to help you along the way,” Kent Sharpe, NAD project director of Antioch initiatives, said.

“We want the Holy Spirit to descend on us as never before,” Bryant said. “The Pentecost serves as a reminder of the call to engage in mission and evangelism. This is not merely a historical event but a clarion call for us, as Seventh-day Adventists, to carry the everlasting gospel to every corner of the earth, starting here in North America.”

The NAD plans to open registration and the full version of the webpage on July 1. In addition to the Pentecost 2025 application, there will be a comprehensive list of resources, a short video introducing the initiative, and a detailed FAQ section.

The original version of this story was posted on the North American Division news site.

North American Division Office of Communication, and Adventist Review

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