
North America Initiative Results in Young Baptisms Across the World

Southern-Asia Pacific Division adopts Making Jesus My Best Friend resource.

North American Division News
North America Initiative Results in Young Baptisms Across the World

Family Ministries in the Southern-Asia Pacific Division (SSD) recently adopted the North American Division (NAD) Family Ministries’ baptismal resource called Making Jesus My Best Friend.

Many years ago, while they were in pastoral ministry, Claudio and Pamela Consuegra, now director and associate director of NAD Family Ministries, authored a book to prepare children ages 8-12 for eventual baptism. At that time they could not find that type of ministry resource geared toward young children. They followed the advice of Ellen White, who wrote, “Children of eight, ten, or twelve years are old enough to be addressed on the subject of personal religion. Do not teach your children with reference to some future period when they shall be old enough to repent and believe the truth. If properly instructed, very young children may have correct views of their state as sinners and of the way of salvation through Christ” (Child Guidance, 490).

The Consuegras used the series of studies to prepare children for baptism in their own pastoral ministry until a parent suggested they contact a publisher so that it could be distributed on a wider basis. The Review and Herald Publishing Association agreed to publish it. Today, it is available from local Adventist Book Centers and the online Adventist Book Center, from AdventSource, and on Amazon.

SSD Family Ministries director Orathai Sorawin Paul requested permission to translate the book into the main languages in her field. The book was adopted division-wide for a child-evangelism initiative. Many children across the SSD are giving their lives to Jesus and being baptized as a result.

“God has richly blessed and used this resource across the world. It is a reminder of how God can use our humble efforts and multiply their effectiveness in reaching souls for His kingdom,” Claudio Consuegra said. “It is also a reminder of how the North American Division makes an impact for the kingdom across the globe!”

The original version of this story was posted on the North American Division news site.

North American Division News

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