
Hope Radio Puts Kiribati President on the Path to Good Health

The president and his wife are among a growing and faithful audience of the Adventist station.

Tracey Bridcutt, Adventist Record, and Adventist Review
Hope Radio Puts Kiribati President on the Path to Good Health

The president and the first lady of Kiribati are participating in the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) after tuning in to the local Hope Radio station, according to reports from that South Pacific island nation.

President Taneti Maamau and his wife, Teiraeng — regular Hope Radio listeners — are taking part in CHIP after listening to the station’s health messages. And they are already experiencing the benefits of the lifestyle intervention program.

“It seems that they want to continue as they have seen very positive results,” Hope Radio announcer Tarataake Angiraoi said. “We praise the Lord for this great news.”

According to Angiraoi, “what makes the difference is prayer with the President and First Lady before they take part in the program every day.”

Hope Radio is making an impact in the lives of many people in Kiribati. Launched in December 2018, the station is now the leading radio broadcaster for the small island nation.

According to Angiraoi, the national radio service has not operated for several months, and the government’s own FM station has been broadcasting only intermittently. This leaves Hope “as the only reliable and strong radio station that serves the people.” Government ministries are using Hope to broadcast their messages and raise awareness, including the Ministry of Health, which recently asked Hope to help warn people about dengue fever.

“We are the main radio station now, and almost all of Tarawa is tuning in to us,” Angiraoi said. “Everywhere you go on both private and public transport, Hope Radio is being played.”

Hope Radio is reaching many souls for Christ through its spiritual programs and hope-filled biblical messages.

“Our Bible study follow-up team has been set up and undergone training for the past three weeks, and they are going out to homes next week and meeting those who have indicated their interest in Bible studies,” Angiraoi said.

Trans-Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) president Maveni Kaufononga said he had seen the hands of God leading the radio station from the outset. “How it was funded, how it was built, and the running of it — God provided people to be there at every stage,” he said.

“We are so grateful for the impact that it is having in Kiribati. Last year, our young people visited hundreds of homes, asking the residents questions on what they learned from this radio station. They were able to do Bible studies in many homes and also promoted their radio ministry.”

The station, a TPUM initiative, is located at the Kiribati Mission headquarters at Korobu, South Tarawa. Investigations are underway to discover how to extend Hope Radio’s reach to Kiribati’s outer islands.

The original version of this story was posted by Adventist Record.

Tracey Bridcutt, Adventist Record, and Adventist Review

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