There is a palpable sense of excitement across Europe as 4,000 youth are packing bags to descend on Valencia, Spain, not for a beach holiday or the night clubs, but rather to learn and network from a choice of over 60 different seminars, lectures, Bible studies, and workshops. It is the Pan-European Youth Congress, running August 1–5.
Trans-European Division Youth Director Zlatko Musija believes ‘The Journey,’ AYC2017, will be one of the most important and unforgettable spiritual moments in the lives of many young people.
“The youth congress is the time when they get to know God more deeply and are encouraged to love and serve Him even more intensely,” Musija said. “This congress will bring together the best presenters who can relevantly share with the youth many practical aspects of contemporary life.”
Those presenters include Pako Mokgwane, Sam Leonor, Marjukka Ostrovljanovic, Ty Gibson, and Jeffrey Rosario. Coming from varied backgrounds, but passionate for Christ, they each come with a message of hope and challenge.
Workshops cover a whole range of topics, from deep theological issues through relationships, health, science, and ecology, to practical ideas on how to witness more powerfully in the modern context of secularized Europe. There will also be opportunities to put that witness into practice on the beaches and streets of Valencia.
“I am looking forward to seeing God’s Spirit at work helping young people to make important decisions that will have a great impact on the mission of the Church in Europe,” said Musija.
While 4,000 youth will get the experience first-hand, camping in large halls in the congress building, others will be able to view the main presentations online thanks to the combined services of Stimme-der-Hoffnung (the German Hope Channel), and Hope Channel Spain. You can also follow the live-stream on YouTube.
What will be the best thing about ‘The Journey’? “It is difficult to say because everything will be great,” said Musija. He explained that the event will be “a spiritual feast with inspiring talks, beautiful music, profound workshops and lectures, transforming prayer time, great impact activities, a unique experience of getting to know many new wonderful people with the same purpose of life.”
Nevertheless, if Musija had to choose, he believes the best thing is the opportunity of getting to know God better.
“But the best thing will be getting to know our beautiful God more powerfully and allowing Him to change us so that we can go home changing the world around us.”