
Digital Evangelism Is Spreading Hope in Hard-to-Reach Places

Cutting-edge technology is helping Adventists with a heart for mission to share Jesus.

Edward Rodriguez, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review
<strong>Digital Evangelism Is Spreading Hope in Hard-to-Reach Places</strong>
The Digital Evangelism Initiative joined the Communication and Digital Evangelism Initiative Conference and Adventist communication leaders in Pasay City, Philippines, from January 26 to 29, 2023. [Photo: North Philippine Union Conference]

In our world, more than 3 billion people are considered least reached with the gospel, and more than 7,000 people groups are unreached. This is more than 40 percent of the total world population. How can the word of hope reach the whole globe with this huge problem that the world church is facing?

This is where the Digital Evangelism Initiative (DEI) comes into the picture. The online prayer and Bible study initiative driven by a young team seeks to use multimedia technology to make the gospel accessible in the digital environment.

DEI joined the Communication and Digital Evangelism Initiative Conference in Pasay City, Philippines, from January 26 to 29, 2023. The team was officially presented to the delegation from the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the Adventist Church to encourage colleague communicators in how the media work has thrived and reached new heights for church evangelism efforts online.

The initiative is designed to immerse internet searchers in Adventist information and introduce them to the Adventist lifestyle, leaders explained.

“The General Conference Communication department funded an initiative in 2019 to increase the reach of the Adventist Church’s social media platforms,” DEI Philippines project manager Ace Sintos said. “This gave birth to the Digital Evangelism Initiative, a diverse group of visionary creatives tasked with sharing Jesus and His love via prayer advertising, web designs, essays, video clips, reels, online Bible study, and various other media.”

DEI is a testing ground for innovative means of making the gospel accessible across several media platforms, leaders explained. A team of specialized digital evangelists working remotely from the Philippines manages the global church’s social media network, boosting SEO and improving organic reach. The initiative works around the clock to create material, design visuals, and create web movies that provide important information about the church through the digital environment.

“The Digital Evangelism Initiative aims to use the full potential of digital technology to reach the globe via multiple media channels,” DEI digital production unit manager Daniel Reyes said. According to Reyes, the concord between creatives and Scripture is a great instrument in our age for reaching billions of individuals yearning for hope and healing online.

The DEI project was presented to participants at the conference so they could fully understand the efficiency of its methods and how it is making a difference in the lives of those whom this project has touched via digital assets, online prayers, and pastoral care.

“We got a random prayer request from a Spanish online visitor,” Roenna Sintos, DEI online pastoral care and community management unit manager, said. “A few days later, the same person called back to say her prayer had been answered. Since then, she has participated in prayer gatherings and has actively prayed for others.” Roenna [TL1] said that it didn’t stop there. “Last year, the same woman called us again, telling us that she had embraced Christ, been baptized, and is now a member of the Adventist Church.”

“DEI continuously discovers new ideas in digital ministry as it explores new strategies to reach people for Jesus,” leaders explained. “As the world shifts full gear, transitioning to the most advanced technology available, this team of creative missionaries will never cease to create an influence on the world’s vast digital space,” they said. 

The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site.

 [TL1]I kept this first name because the last name Sintos also appears earlier.

Edward Rodriguez, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review

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