
AIIAS Welcomes New Seminary Dean

The Chilean native is a graduate of the Philippines-based school.

AIIAS Welcomes New Seminary Dean

A Chilean native who most recently served as president of Chile Adventist University has been appointed dean of the seminary at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) in the Philippines.

Ricardo Adolfo González Astudillo was officially welcomed on May 5 to the seminary, one of only three Seventh-day Adventist seminaries that offer postgraduate studies and is designated by the world church to train pastors primarily for Asia.

Ella Simmons, AIIAS board chair and a general vice president of the Adventist world church, praised González as a good match for the seminary.

“From the time we first became acquainted, Dr. González has proven to be a man of staunch faith and impeccable ethics grounded in the realities of the times in which we live,” Simmons said.

González replaces Richard A. Sabuin, who in late 2015 accepted a position as director of education, Sabbath School, and personal ministries for the Northern Asia-Pacific Division based in South Korea.

González, who also has served as executive secretary of the church’s Central South Chile Conference, graduated from AIIAS with a Ph.D. in historical-theological studies in 2008. The focus of his dissertation was on Adventist Church cofounder Ellen G. White and ecclesiology. He is married and has two adult children in South America.

In his first faculty meeting with seminary faculty, González cast a vision for the importance of academic excellence.

“I believe that the AIIAS seminary is called to train people to become thinkers and servant-leaders of excellence in our church around the globe,” González said in an e-mail interview. “AIIAS seminary graduates are called to succeed in this task as people fully committed to the message and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.”

AIIAS president Stephen R. Guptill said González would provide the theological training needed for the seminary to make a tangible difference throughout the world church.

“I’m glad that Dr. González will provide this kind of leadership as the world church grows and confronts new opportunities and challenges,” Guptill said. 

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