
Adventist Author Writes Book for Ukrainian Refugee Children

Sandra Doran’s Jesus Still Cares for You is inspiring some 70,000 children displaced by war.

Southern Tidings
Adventist Author Writes Book for Ukrainian Refugee Children
Two Ukrainian refugee children hold copies of Sandra Doran’s book, Jesus Still Cares for You. [Southern Tidings]

As a creator of children’s curriculum for Three Angels for Kids, Sandra Doran is accustomed to the variety of projects generated by the lay ministry. But she never expected the call that came from Dan Houghton, president of Hart Research Center, just a short time ago.

“I answered my cell phone and Dan said, ‘Sandy, we have to do something to help these Ukrainian children. They leave home with just the clothes on their backs. I’m wondering if you might be able to write a book to encourage them, to let them know that Jesus still cares.’ ”

The idea sounded amazing, but there was a catch. “We’ve got to get this out quickly,” Houghton said. “We have the artist standing by. How fast do you think you can turn it around?”

That night, Sandra prayed earnestly and slept soundly. In the morning, she arose, fired up her computer, and wrote the book that is providing hope to tens of thousands of children in the Ukraine and surrounding countries. To date, 70,000 copies have been printed in Ukrainian, Hungarian, Russian, and Polish.

“Children who have nothing are delighted to find something in their native language. They just cling to the book and read it over and over,” Ernestine Finley, who not long ago returned from a trip to Poland and Hungary, said. In those Eastern European countries, Seventh-day Adventist churches have become refugee centers, providing food, shelter, clothing, and spiritual encouragement for the influx of displaced people.

Jesus Stills Cares for You is beautifully illustrated by Adventist artist Lars Justinen, well known for his inspirational work. With Justinen providing the artwork pro bono and Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) paying for all production costs, the book is a gift to those who need it most.

“It has been an honor to be involved with this project,” Doran said. “It’s fulfilling to know that somehow, in some small way, I am able to ease the burden of suffering children across the world.”

To 70,000 children, that small difference provides an anchor of hope, people behind the initiative said. One line from the book says it all: “War can take your home, but it cannot take your heart, your mind, your soul, and especially your Jesus.”

The original version of this story was posted by Southern Tidings.

Southern Tidings

Southern Tidings

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