
Heritage of Faith

That evening after the vesper service, I asked my husband, Andrew, “What are we going to pass on to our child?”

Beersheba Maywald Jacob
Heritage of Faith

Music has a way of reaching the deepest parts of our personalities. It’s captivating and consuming. At times it can transport one to a seemingly different world. I never imagined a brass band would uncover something that was buried deep within. As I was reveling in the melody of the brass band that played for Lowry Memorial English church one vespers service, I noticed something beautiful: a bond between father and children blossoming before our very eyes. 

Melvin Manoharan, his daughter, and two sons are a great blessing to the church family. When I hear this family making music for God’s glory, I marvel at what a great gift this father has passed on to his children—a heritage of music. 

That evening, after the vesper service, I asked my husband, Andrew, “What are we going to pass on to our child?” As Andrew and I embark on the new adventure of parenthood, I thought this was one thing we needed to answer. Andrew is good at sports and track events, be it badminton or football, cricket or running; he’s got it all covered. He is also a preacher at heart. Then I thought about myself: What am I going to pass on to my child? I might be good at different things, but what was that one thing that I wished to give our child? Suddenly I thought back to the beginning of my journey with God. 

Psalm 16 has spoken to me in many different ways, at various moments in my life, but the first time it became real to me was when I was 18. I got on my knees before I left for the airport, before I could answer all those daunting questions about college and career. I needed comforting answers from God just then, including a promise of guidance or the assurance for strength. But here before me lay a challenge. A challenge to say and live out the prayer of David. “O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup” (Ps. 16:5). It was a challenge to make God my all. 

I have experienced hilltop experiences and valleys in my walk with God. I have disappointed Him, taken my eyes off Him; yet I see His faithfulness. Time and again He has given me the opportunity, created avenues, and pushed me to the edge, where I can slowly practice learning to fly on wings of faith. 

When I think of God’s goodness and faithfulness, I think of the time my husband and I went parasailing. It was an indescribable experience. God’s faithfulness is like this giant parachute hovering over us, the one we are constantly connected to. We can experience God’s goodness, His wisdom, instruction, fullness of joy, a good inheritance, and eternal pleasures (verses 6-11), when we are completely dependent on Him. God wishes for us to soar on wings of faith. He wants to become our all. 

One thing I wish to pass on to my child is this radical faith. The same faith my grandfather had when he decided to leave everything to follow Jesus; the faith my parents showed when they returned to serve India; the faith Andrew and I now try to live out: a heritage of faith.

Beersheba Maywald Jacob

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