Magazine Article

Putting It All Together

One of the ways Adventist Review Media continues...

Enno Müller

One of the ways Adventist Review Media continues in ministry is through daily social media posts and a weekly email newsletter. I have the pleasure of assembling a newsletter to bring to our readers a digest of the biggest news stories and articles of the week, along with a GraceNotes podcast and highlighted videos from Adventist Review TV.

The email is a weekly touchpoint that helps us to actively engage with our readers and raise awareness of the most influential articles and videos. The free newsletter reaches many thousands who have subscribed to find out what’s happening in the Adventist Church and to be inspired by devotional and instructional content.

Online audiences have become used to receiv- ing emails to be notified of new content, and they are also more oriented to finding articles of inter- est through social media posts. Every day posts about Adventist Review and Adventist World articles appear on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to help readers connect with church-related topics of interest to them. Many articles, including obit- uaries of well-known Adventists and commentar- ies on current debates, have gone “viral” through widespread sharing.

The newsletter and social media posts provide extensive visibility for Adventist Review Media products in a world of online readers and viewers who have come to expect a curated product that brings them relevant content. The sign-up box for newsletter subscriptions is available on adventist-

Enno Müller keeps his finger on the pulse of world and world- church events, and his mind on the means of communicating it to all in a way that glorifies God.

Enno Müller

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