Someone will help you
But surely not I.
I’ve far too much fear
So I’ll just pass on by.
I’ll pray and I’ll weep, I’ll beg and I’ll cry
For someone to help you
But surely not I.
You’re sickly, you’re dirty
You’re covered in grime.
What I really mean is: You’re not worth my time.
What I really mean is: I’m living a lie.
I’ll sit in my pew and I’ll sing all the lines
Of hymns about service, isn’t that fine?
I’ll speak about the Cross but no! I won’t cross the line—
Not to where you are! No thank you, I’m fine.
Someone will help you
But surely not I.
You might be in my reach,
But I’ll still pass on by.
Prerna Lall, writing poems since her days as a student at Sligo Adventist School (now Takoma Academy Preparatory School) in Takoma Park, Maryland, dedicates this poem to all who have a passion for compassion and the courage to act on it.
Jesus Leads Home
There are mansions above in that city of love,
But saved souls rejoice to see Jesus;
There are flowers so bright they shine with delight,
Those who are saved shine with Jesus;
There are angels up there who offer God’s care
For those taken there loved by Jesus
There is God on His throne in that heavenly home
For those who, above all, love Jesus.
They receive God’s seal whose experience is real
Doing God’s will, taught them by Jesus;
They confront many fears and shed many tears
Striving always to walk with Jesus;
They speak of God’s love and His mansions above
For sinners who come to know Jesus
Their hearts overflow when the winds of strife blow
For they know they soon will see Jesus.
His trumpet will sound as Jesus comes down
With His angels from their home in heaven.
He stays in the sky and will not pass by
One sinner whose sins are forgiven;
He calls forth the dead whose souls had been fed
With life-giving truth of God’s love;
The living shall rise to meet in the skies
The loved ones redeemed from above.
God’s loved ones He leads to that city above,
To the mansions He promised to give them;
They rejoice at the sight of their homeland so bright,
And praise God that He rules in heaven;
That huge joyous throng sing the glorious song
Of redemption made possible by Jesus;
They give praise for the cross that atoned for their loss
And ensured them eternity in heaven.
Erwin R. Gane, retired theologian and author, is a former editor of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.