Magazine Article

All Things Digital

Putting truth at your fingertips.

Gabriel Begle
All Things Digital
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How can the Adventist Review continue to provide meaningful dialogue, interaction, our daily dose of needed spirituality, and noteworthy news to a new generation of readers? Congruent with current media consumption trends, while true to our origins and mission, the Adventist Review Ministries’ digital platforms introduce audiences to new ways to organically integrate deep spirituality into their daily routines.

What idealistic dreams we’ve long entertained! Dreams of flexible, clean, curated digital venues that provide an atmosphere conducive to deeply spiritual interactions, introspection, growth, and understanding! And our dreams are now becoming a reality—beginning, at the start of 2022, with our new ARMies website. Though still in its infancy, it truly represents a living organism that changes and adapts, grows as it learns about the user, and delivers the things that matter in the user’s journey with Christ. We have concentrated our efforts on making the navigation process as straightforward as possible.

A minimalist design provides focus and concentration, while the new robust search feature puts the Review’s rich heritage of content in front of the user. The website will develop from its cur- rent multimedia state experience into a fully interactive site and a virtual com- munity of believers. As we navigate the volatility of the end-times, our digital platforms will continue to strive to contribute in evangelizing, nurturing, and providing appropriate content for the truth seeker through spiritually whole- some multimedia expressions.

Gabriel Begle leads ARMies into the digital age: transforming our traditional media, and integrating the ministry with the technological times, are both within his portfolio.

Gabriel Begle

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