
Jesus Is Your Forever Friend

Adventist World
Jesus Is Your Forever Friend

When Brawn Kyan was 6 years old, his Buddhist parents sent him to the Seventh-day Adventist school to learn English. He learned much more than that!

This is a really different school, thought Brawn Kyan. The teachers are patient and kind, and they always talk about a man called Jesus.

Brawn had never heard of Jesus before, and every day he learned more about Jesus from a special book called the Bible. He loved such Bible stories as David and Goliath, Joseph, Daniel in the lions’ den, and many others. Soon he started attending church and participating in many children’s activities. He loved it!

“Say, Brawn, now that you have been in our schools for some years now, would you like to study the Bible to know Jesus better?” asked his teacher earnestly. “Jesus can make your life happy, and He will give you peace that no one else on earth can give you.”

“I would love to,” Brawn replied excitedly. “When can we begin?”

Brawn studied the Bible with his teacher faithfully for a whole year. He learned so much about Jesus that he wanted to follow Him forever. He told his parents about his new discovery, but they were not happy at all.

One day in 2016 his teacher told him some interesting news. “Brawn, we are going to run evangelistic meetings for children for 10 nights. I would like you to be one of the speakers.”

“What, me?” replied Brawn surprisingly. “Oh, no, I don’t know enough of the Bible to preach to children, or to anyone!”

“Don’t worry, Jesus will give you power to speak,” assured his teacher. “Moreover, I will help you prepare your sermons. There are just three.”

“OK, I’ll try,” Brawn responded. “I’ll pray every day that Jesus will give me understanding to speak for Him.”

Five hundred children attended the evangelistic meetings every night. Brawn’s friends and classmates helped lead out in the singing and health talks. Brawn preached his first sermon on John 3:16. Each time he preached he felt the Holy Spirit tug at his heart to love Jesus more and more.

Finally Brawn preached his last sermon on following Jesus forever. At the end Brawn made an appeal for all those who wanted to follow Jesus and to be baptized to come forward. Many children went forward. Brawn felt the Holy Spirit speaking to him strongly, so he stepped down from the stage and went down to the front with the other children, indicating that he wanted to be baptized.

There was joy in heaven on Sabbath when 104 children and some adults were baptized. Brawn was especially filled with joy as the pastor baptized him in the water.

“Jesus is my forever friend! He will never leave me!” shouted Brawn with elation.

Adventist World

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