December 8, 2019


A Prophetic Message | Restoring Our Roots | Design, Purpose, Teleology—Obviously | . . .


A Prophetic Message

The message of the November issue about the prophetic message should be read by every Seventh-day Adventist. The Lord knew that His children would be prey to the enemy. As we look back through the ages, we can see how many times they lost their way and the Lord placed men and women to alert them and bring them back. These prophets spoke in God’s behalf.

What a merciful God, who always wanted to keep the church and His children in the right path back to Him. It is sad, as Bill Knott wrote, that Ellen White’s writings have been misused and misinterpreted, especially to young people. When I became a Christian at the age of 14, I fell in love with her writings, reading several books. They have been a blessing to me and my ministry. She was the little light shedding light on the Bible and the church.

Leo Ranzolin, Sr.
Estero, Florida

Restoring Our Roots

I read Somer Knight’s article, “Restoring Our Roots” (October 2019), with great interest. She has identified a most important—and fascinating—way to connect young people (and the rest of us) with our rich Adventist heritage, through the medium of “authentic, honest, modern, and compelling ways.”

May I suggest another resource for her—“Go Deeper” sidebar: the Pioneer Series, each book featuring the story of one of our Adventist pioneers, and the major contribution each made to what became the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The authors of each biography were selected for their in-depth knowledge of their subject, telling their story in all the ways Somer declares will “create in young Christians a sense of identity and heritage, pride and belonging.”

Thank you, Adventist Review, for the deeply spiritual, thematically presented issues written by a wonderfully diverse group of authors, who always present fresh perspectives that enrich my spiritual life and growth.

Jeannette Johnson
Miles City, Montana

Comments from

Adventist Church and ADRA Make Public Appeal to Help SchoolChildren Worldwide

Thank you for reporting this. The right to education is fundamental. Illiteracy and innumeracy hinder people’s ability to participate in development and exacerbate their poverty. Many a community is trapped in abject want and hopelessness because of lack of an education.

Education is the harmonious development of the mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of human beings. This concept has often been disregarded by responsible persons. The result is persons who are learned but not truly educated. Furthermore, universal education programs are often overridden by political considerations, resulting in underperformance. A wholistic education should be viewed as a fundamental human right. You have my wholehearted support.

Justine Mwanje

Cliff’s Edge: Design, Purpose, Teleology—Obviously

This whole discussion highlights just how gracious our Creator really is. He could have designed nature to prove His presence, but He has left us with the option to believe. Thank you for seeking to tip the scale of evidence in the direction of life, hope, faith, and reason.

Steve Cook

Pumpkin Seeds and Cardiovascular Health

Regarding “One More Reason Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, and Lentils Are Good for You” ( That is great to know.Our Adventist health message is still being proved correct by the scientific community. I wonder whether we do not value our health message as much as we should.

Patricia Harvey


Here’s a glimpse at the Review’s “Letters” section from 40 years ago, which shows how you can help us get it right. We thought this exchange would intrigue you.—Editors.

Saw is Wrong!

I was admiring the painting by Harry Anderson on pages 8 and 9 of the Gift Issue—Joseph supervising Jesus as he builds a pigeon house and Mary being so pleased. Then it struck me—unbelievable! The saw that Jesus is using is falsely constructed. The twisted cord used to add tension to the blade belongs on the top. The top bar in the picture belongs in the middle of the saw as a fulcrum. I have used and serviced this type of saw many times.

Alfred L. Christensen
Avon Park, Florida

You are correct. Actually, what research the editors have been able to do suggests that the type of saw portrayed in the picture on page 9 in the Gift Issue is probably medieval. Probably the kind of saw Jesus would have used was single-handed and cut when pulled toward the carpenter, as do many saws used in the Orient today.

Your Turn

We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].
