April 7, 2014

Give & Take

Adventist Life

It is my job as a contractor to attend construction meetings with my customers. At a recent meeting with representatives from a nearby town, one city official stated, “The U.S. Postal Service lost billions last year, but I have the answer for that. Let’s just give the job to those Seven-day Advents. They’re always delivering stuff to me anyway, and would probably do it for free.”


In the early 1960s I had been invited to speak at a small church in Tennessee. That Sabbath a young man was substituting for the presiding elder.

When the time came for the offering to be taken, the young man called for the “opening offering.” After the service I teased him just a little by telling him that somehow I had missed the call for the “closing offering.” We both had a laugh about it.


Did You Know

With a population of 315 million, the South American Division (SAD) has more than 2.2 million members and 11,900 churches. The division includes Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay, with adjacent islands in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Brazil has the largest Adventist church membership of any country in this region, with 7,780 churches.

—information gathered from www.adventist.org/world-church/

13 1 6 6Sermon in Seven

Adventist Review associate editor Lael Caesar writes seven-word proverbs. Like us on Facebook and find one on our page every day. This one appeared in February: God was King before there were subjects.


Lord, make me a candle. I don’t have to be
A beacon of light for the whole world to see.
Just let my light shine to show someone the way
To You, Lord, and help me repeat it each day.

