
Without Indictment

When we covenant—like Jesus—to no longer count trespasses against each other (2 Cor 5:19), we become capable—for the first time—of obeying His command to love.

Without Indictment

“To love one another as Jesus loves us (John 13:34) compels us to embrace the grace that is at the core of His affection for us. He doesn’t look at us through legal eyes, privately compiling a faultless list of all our faults. It’s an invitation He wants to give us, and never an indictment. And when we step down from the high bench, when we covenant—like Jesus—to no longer count trespasses against each other (2 Cor 5:19), we become capable—for the first time—of obeying His command to love. Grace trusts that love will win more lasting victories than vigilant scrutiny can ever dream of. So stay in grace.”

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