
Declaration of Dependence

I see how changes in society affect us

Carolina Ramos
Declaration of Dependence

At the center of the university campus where I study and work stands a pole with the Argentinian flag. Every day they raise it at dawn and lower it at dusk. When the Independence Day of another country is celebrated, however, they also raise its flag on a shorter pole. I am always struck with the image of constant change of flags on the shorter pole. The only flag that remains constant is the flag of my home country.

When I talk with my friends and students, I see how changes in society affect us. Little by little, it seems, even our right understanding of Bible truths is under threat of change. I have been deeply shaken by the realization of how easily I could be led into confusion if I am not careful. I see how earnestly I need to pray and read the Bible in order to keep the anchor in place.

While I was visiting my sister and brother-in-law last summer, I attended church with them in the northern part of our country. They were observing the “Ten Days of Prayer” in a very small church, but with very enthusiastic people with whom we could share testimonies and beautiful moments of worship every night. As is usual in that program, I was given a card to write down the names of people I wanted to pray for every day. It was a simple gesture, but it ignited once again the desire to focus more on praying and intercession. Some of these people do not know that I am praying for them, but I have been trying to find ways of doing small things to show that I care about them.

Another resolution I made involves reading the whole Bible together with the Conflict of the Ages series once again. This time I decided to reflect on the stories with the people on my prayer list in mind. What a blessing it has been! Those “ten days” have turned into more than 100, and have reminded me of God’s answers— “yes,” “no,” and “wait” —as I pray for specific things.

By the time the Midianites ruled over them, Israel had long lost its close relationship with God. Many of their neighbors had ruled, and were to rule, over them. Many secular ideas had fogged their minds. The produce of their land was being stolen, and another flag was flying over them. But the angel of the Lord came to Gideon, and, among many things, he told him: “The Lord is with you. . . . Go. . . . Have I not sent you? . . . I will be with you. . . . . I will wait until you come back” (Judges 6:12-18).

How beautiful it is to see that despite our walking away, our doubts, and our lack of faith, we are still given opportunities to rekindle the flame of our relationship with God. There is still time. But time is precious, not to be taken for granted. In our specific countries we may celebrate a Day of Independence once a year, but the most important signature in the story of our lives should be the one accepting the terms of a Declaration of Daily Dependence on God and His Word. May that be our true and only flag. He is still inviting us to be closer to Him than we have ever been, and work with Him to help those who have not yet surrendered to Him.

Carolina Ramos

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