Reaffirming the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Response to COVID-19
Adventist leaders share a new release on the current position of the church.
New App Seeks to Enhance the Adventist Total Member Involvement Initiative
The invitation-only resource will help digital missionaries to create and share hope in Jesus.
Who’s Afraid of the Three Angels’ Messages?
Religious liberty leader explains how to approach the topic with confidence in the future.
Revamped Bible Study Guide Brings Young Adults into the Word
InVerse combines the Sabbath School lesson with topics specifically for young adults.
New Journal to Capture and Celebrate Adventist Heritage
The Journal of Adventist Archives was launched by the church’s Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research.
The 2022 General Conference Session Will Feature a Virtual Exhibit Experience
Unique interactive experience will allow exhibitors to connect with members around the world.
Annual Council Tested the Possibilities of Modern Technology, Church Leaders Say
At 2021 meetings, most delegates followed the proceedings and voted items on Zoom.
An Earnest Appeal to Engage with Our Spiritual Identity
GC secretary calls Adventist leaders to face challenges and recommit to mission.
At Annual Council, Presenters Reflect on Adventist Identity, Hermeneutics, and Grace
Mark Finley, Artur Stele, and Michael Ryan share perspectives on contemporary church challenges.
Adventist Leaders Vote to Recommend a New Status for Northern Ghana Union Mission
Motion reflects the steady growth and financial stability of the church in that region.