School Of Love (Wednesday - Children's)
Pastor Miller looked up from his computer to see a visitor standing in the doorway of his church office.
The Light (Tuesday - Children's)
Sarah looked up from her science textbook to find her classmate Justin Wilcox standing beside her. His face was streaked with sweat, and his dark, curly hair held the imprint of his baseball cap.
They Hate Me (Monday - Children's)
Then he called me a bad name.” Sarah paused. “He hates me. He just hates me.”
Fishing for People (Sunday - Children's)
“Don’t worry,” Sarah giggled. “It’s not as scary as you think."
All the World (First Sabbath - Children's)
“You OK?” her dad asked, glancing in her direction. “You look serious. You’re not your usual talkative self.”
The Evidence of True Discipleship (Second Sabbath)
When men are bound by love, they show the working of an influence that is above every human influence.
The Cost of Being a Disciple (Thursday)
By finding the hidden treasure or pearl of great value, you can find what your inner being desires the most—a renewed heart that becomes loyal to God.
Making Disciples (Wednesday)
As disciples, we are called to make space for transformation, the work the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives.