Adventist TV Caravan Promotes Health Fair, Drives Outreach Initiative in Brazil
TV Novo Tempo–led event reaches two cities, connects with audience in the north.
Brazil’s ‘Orange May’ Highlights Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Children
Adventist Church manages a home that shelters vulnerable children and adolescents.
Ministries Emphasize Caring for Children’s Emotional Health
The objective is to alert parents of dangers and help them strengthen their children.
Teenager Becomes a Volunteer after She Loses Everything in a Flood
After Diuly’s 15th birthday party, rain washed away her home, and now she is assisting others.
Hair Donation Drive in Brazil Honors Mothers with Cancer
Adventist school promotes a day of care and empathy for mothers.
General Conference President Participates in Book Distribution at Historic Site
Ted N. C. Wilson visited the place where the first Adventist in Brazil was baptized.
Four People Baptized Thanks to Missionary Work of Adventist Students
Students in Ecuador devoted their vacation to sharing the gospel.
Maranatha Is Set to Return to Paraguay to Build Churches
Initiative is seeking to support regional church efforts to increase its membership.
In Bolivia, Members Distribute Half a Million Books in Places without Adventist Presence
The Adventist Church mobilized to bring the book The Great Controversy to previously unreached people and places.
Adventist Youth Bring Hope and Love to Cities in Northern Peru
Thousands of young people served others, donated blood, and promoted Christian values.