
Cohort Completes Ellen G. White and Adventist Studies Certificate

AIIAS graduates in the Philippines represented several church regions.

Adventist Bikers in Argentina Are Missionaries at 12,500-Foot International Border

Lay-led motorcycle group also attends national camporee to highlight ministry potential.

Adventist Health-Care Institution Trains Children in First Aid

Belém Adventist Hospital initiative instructs more than 30 eight-to-13-year-olds, leaders said.

Book Unveils Thoughts, Desires, and Challenges of Adventist Youth Leaders

Based on research, volume gives voices to vital ministry, its authors say.

Interfaith Convention Fosters Unity, Community Impact in the Philippines

Regional Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted the event for Christian ministries.

In Brasilia, Bus Will Serve as Venue for Courses, Training, and a Dental Clinic

ADRA initiative seeks to serve vulnerable populations around Brazil’s capital city.

General Conference Associate Secretary Explores Adventist Work in Nepal

Karen Porter and her husband visited Adventist institutions, met with church leaders.

Korean Language Camp Doubles as a Cultural and Spiritual Opportunity

Sahmyook University initiative offers much more than language acquisition.

Adventists across PNG Embark on 100 Days of Prayer

Initiative is part of the preparation for major evangelistic push in late April and May.

Sahmyook University Welcomes 1,000 Students as It Graduates Another 1,000

South Korea’s primary Adventist educational institution continues thriving in that Asian nation.

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