Largest City in Ecuador Adopts Seventh-day Adventist Church Project
Municipality of Guayaquil embraces initiative to help women flourish.
Former GC Communication Director Announces Retirement
Since 2015, Rajmund Dabrowski has served at the Rocky Mountain Conference.
Jewish-Adventist Relations Meeting Builds Bridges between Faiths
In Brazil, more than 120 leaders, advocates meet for discussion and planning.
Adventist US Senate Chaplain Barry Black Recovering After a Brain Bleed
A subdural hematoma sent him to hospital, but he is on the mend, sources say.
Leader’s Visit Inspires Support for Public Campus Ministry in Indonesia
GC associate youth director Pako Mokgwane encourages Adventist students on secular campuses.
Year-End Meetings in Malaysia Celebrate Lay Members’ Commitment to Service
Honorees receive a token of appreciation as a symbol of their willingness to do mission.
Adventist Leaders, Members Train to Minister to Peru’s Deaf Community
First gathering explores ways to increase training opportunities in sign language.
Adventist Inventors from Peru Win Medal at Tech Fair in South Korea
Judges at the international technology fair chose device that assists personal education.
Adventist Food Company Helps New Zealand Families in Need
Sanitarium initiative has donated 10 million breakfast servings over the past four years.
In Korea, Public Campus Ministry Brings New Young Members
Two recent baptisms in a local church’s ministry highlight the importance of reaching out.