In Cuba, Adventist Church Celebrates ‘God-sent’ Shipment During the Pandemic
An international response helps circumvent a paper shortage across the island.
¿Demasiado tiempo de pantalla?
Nunca hubo un momento más crucial para tomarse un “sábado digital”.
Dos beneficiarios son galardonados por su amplia trayectoria de servicio a las familias adventistas
Geoffrey Mbwana y Linda Koh reciben el premio Spalding Medallion.
Too Much Screen Time?
There has never been a more critical time to take a “digital Sabbath.”
Two Recipients Honored for Their Longstanding Service to Adventist Families
Geoffrey Mbwana and Linda Koh are awarded the Spalding Medallion.
She Needed a Job, ADRA Gave Her Much More
In Russia, a seamstress works with the humanitarian agency to assist her community.
From Video Viewers to New Church Members
At Lighthouse Hispanic church, five people are baptized after discovering virtual church services.
Children’s Sabbath Schools Get Creative With Online Lessons
“I do it all for the love of my kids,” one teacher says.
Overcoming Pandemic Challenges in India
Despite current challenges, Maranatha keeps praying … and building.
En televisión nacional, el director general de AdventHealth habla sobre COVID-19, uso de barbijos y la apertura de Disney
Terry Shaw felicita a su equipo al compartir el enfoque proactivo que ha tenido al cuidar a las personas.