When Will This Be Over?
If you think the pandemic is taking a long time, what about the end of the world?
Campus Faculty and Students Team Up to Make Face Shields and Masks
In Mexico, unique partnership results in significant donations to frontline workers.
Two Local Churches’ Food Pantry Ministry Explodes in Size
In Queensland, Australia, congregations are serving those in need during the lockdown.
Setting Boundaries Around COVID-19 Talk
How to discuss and disagree respectfully about the topic of the day.
In US Virgin Islands, Adventist Church Ramps Up Help to Its Senior Members
Task force provides care packages, safe social interactions, and practical assistance.
Adventist Hospital in Puerto Rico Releases First COVID-19 Patient
Family practice resident physician turned patient spent three weeks under his colleagues’ care.
Food Swaps for Better Health
Tips for maintaining healthy eating habits while housebound.
Here’s What We Know About Coronavirus Testing
An expert explains how to know whether you should be tested.
How Coronavirus Is Causing People to Consider God
Those whom I counseled seemed to see things differently.