Introducing Goodbye
Almost exactly 14 years later you're reading my last column (well, for now).
2 MIN READAlmost exactly 14 years later you're reading my last column (well, for now).
02 December 2021
It's almost always better to choose the hard thing now.
02 February 2021
There's no such thing as partial followers; we're either all in or not.
01 December 2020
"You backed up your belief with actions, proving that it wasn't just lip service."
02 October 2020
Peace can exist only when two opposing sides agree to unite.
31 July 2020
As a Seventh-Day Adventist living in 2020, I view everything through a Biblical lens.
31 May 2020
"Maybe you're not the best; but to Him you are".
03 February 2020
It wasn't until I left that I realized what can happen when you spend so many years in the same place.
01 November 2019
If I'm honest with myself, I stepped off the sidewalk not just to avoid physical contact, but to avoid being engaged.
01 August 2019
Every time I questioned anything about my life, thinking about those words would bring complete peace.
03 June 2019