Future Grace
When we fear tomorrow or next year, it is plain testimony that we aren't fully sold on His sufficiency.
Grace Taught and Caught
Grace is Christ’s never-ending lesson plan delivered through the love of those who are themselves still students, and still sit at His feet.
Abundant and Unending
Come celebrate grace inexhaustible: it never gives out; it never runs dry.
The Gift of Joyful Life
We either live in grace, or we begin, by small degrees, to die.
Like Breathing In
Grace teaches us to tell more truth about ourselves, lay down more pride, and quit the endless hide-and-seek that bars our fellowship with other broken souls.
Growing Toward Joy
When we grasp how securely Jesus holds us, how we are encircled by friends and loved ones whom He has appointed, we are freed from our habitual narrowness and fear.
Grace Bows to Serve
Grace is Jesus kneeling at the feet of Judas, washing away the stains that could be seen, and willing to the last to wash away what only He could see.
What Grace Transforms
As we admit our brokenness, we stand among the broken.
Chosen By Grace
Jesus forms the remnant through His blood and through His call—and those who cherish His grace “follow the Lamb wherever he goes” (Rev 14:4). Stay in grace.