On the Road Again
Giving up may mean giving up God’s best for your life.
Imperfect Joy
In the hardest moments He is still there.
Facets of Joy
“You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures. For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light” (Ps. 36:8, 9)
Beyond Numb Hands and Hearts
Joy comes in the morning.
Finding God With a Stethoscope
Connecting the dots between life, faith, peace, and meaning
Dangers Threatening the Church
The divine remedy
An Earnest Appeal
This is God’s church.
Separation From the World
Connected to Christ
From Fear to Awe
Neither age, nor health, nor race, nor wealth protect us from a tiny enemy we cannot see.
Surviving the Storms
Seeing and hearing a different perspective