
The Battle No One Wants 

How a cancer diagnosis brought me closer to God.

Feeling God’s Embrace in a Pediatric ICU

An Adventist physician shares tips for providing spiritual care in the hardest setting.

How to Successfully Implement Creative Worship

Expert shares tips to help members create transformative spaces in their local churches.

New Ways of Being a Church

Innovative Adventist congregations are redefining our ideas of a congregation

Missionaries Share Experiences on Volunteering

Volunteers describe challenges and opportunities in the mission field during the ‘I Will Go’ convention.

Prophetic Denialism:  The High Cost of Ignoring the Warnings 

Are Adventists Being Lulled by the Dragon Voice?

How Eco-Happiness Boosts Wellbeing

When was the last time you spent some time in nature? Without your smartphone?

Medical Team Serves People with Health Needs in Ecuador

A free dental care initiative reached around 580 people with a message of hope.

What Your Pastor Needs to Know

If one of them has made (or is making) a meaningful difference in your life, tell them.

The Science in Faith and the Faith in Science

Creation Sabbath 2022 Feature

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