“Thank You, Jesus, for helping us. Just think, we fed 80 hungry youngsters!” exclaimed the twins with big smiles on their faces...
28 October 2020
“If we fill our minds with all these untrue stories, such as witches and wizards, pretty soon we’ll believe in them more than in the power of Jesus.”
28 October 2020
“Do you know what pornography is?” Dad asked solemnly as both the children shook their heads.
28 October 2020
Some tips for those facing holidays and winter months in the Northern Hemisphere.
27 October 2020
In Brazil, a three-day initiative reaches out to people who usually lack media options.
27 October 2020
How Maranatha’s local crews sustain the work during the pandemic.
26 October 2020
How a Bible discussion TV show helped a woman in China find a clearer picture of God.
26 October 2020