We don’t have to “read between the lines” to know what Old Testament prophets. . .
02 November 2020
Many prayers in many ways made their way to the one God.
01 November 2020
Our challenge is to use and value things and people with the same measure that God uses.
01 November 2020
"Far Away From Home" is actually two stories—one about the author and the other about his father.
01 November 2020
How do we fight viruses?
01 November 2020
Some christians will believe any lie or sensational post just because it appeared online.
01 November 2020
"If God showed up, I would run with him, not walk."
01 November 2020
Adventists, of all people, must resist the siren song of fatalism.
01 November 2020
World Bank International Development Association [IDA] director talks with AW about service, faith, and life.
01 November 2020