What looked like a curse turned out to be a blessing.
20 November 2021
The event of 50 years ago triggered church growth across the U.S. Virgin Islands and beyond.
20 November 2021
Leaders thank God for His blessings and members for faithfulness during difficult times.
20 November 2021
Merrick Lopez served at LLU Children’s Hospital during the worst of the pandemic.
19 November 2021
Partnership offers qualified students early acceptance and research opportunities.
19 November 2021
Leaders commend the plan to train pastors to cater to people’s care needs.
19 November 2021
Adventist Health unit will support health-care efforts in rural and isolated communities.
18 November 2021
Agency is recognized for initiative to provide safe and sustainable drinking water to thousands.
18 November 2021
Adventist Church leader also gives Rodrigo Duterte an informal Bible study.
18 November 2021
Adventist World Radio transforms lives on a conflict-torn island.
18 November 2021