Pandemic lockdown? Paul can say a lot about that.
02 March 2021
Man’s best friend serves with him on the frontlines.
02 March 2021
Stressed? Develop some better coping mechanisms.
02 March 2021
When you can’t move, it gives you a whole new perspective.
02 March 2021
Who likes waiting? Raise your hand.
02 March 2021
To live, one may need to change. To live eternally, it is a necessity.
02 March 2021
Change is wonderful. Change is terrible. When it comes to the church, which is it?
02 March 2021
There weren’t always 28 Fundamental Beliefs. How did we get here?
02 March 2021
Unless we learn to experience God on a personal level, we may end up doubting His presence.
01 March 2021
Passionate about evangelism, and passionate about prayer.
01 March 2021